

‘If I had my child to raise all over again, I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later. I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less. I'd do less correcting and more connecting. I’d take my eyes off my watch, and WATCH with my eyes. I’d take more hikes and fly more kites. I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play. I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars. I’d do more hugging and less tugging’ – Diane Loomans, Parent Positive Kids

It's an absolute privilege to be a parent. And although I've only ever been an 'official' parent to one child, my 16 year-old son Izaac, during my 16 years' work at Clyne, 62 & Red11 Models, I've had the honour and priviledge of being a second mum to hundreds of teens, and a crazy second aunty/disciplined big sister to hundreds more, learning lots about parenting along the way from my work with models: 


Because being a model agent carries degrees of parenting. I now know this through experience, because I'm the mum of a teenager and worked with tonnes of teens. Being a model agent is incredibly unique, and something no other position could possibly offer.

I'm not their family, but I'm treated like family. I'm not their therapist, but I council them. I'm not their careers advisor, but I co-manage their career. I'm not their coach, but I coach them on the game of life. I'm not their mate, but I'm their confidante. I'm not their teacher. But it's my job to teach.  

Now I don't need to tell you what it takes to parent a child/children, because a lot of us are living it, sometimes (or often) stumbling along trying to figure it out and making it up as we go along. We're making (and (over) correcting mistakes) as we try and continue unscathed and apparently unaffected, calling (and recalling) on people around us for a hand, lapping up everything we can by reading, watching and listening to people who can really teach us some $hit about this crazy game of life and the even crazier parenting game (because it's no longer just about us)...

We learn so much from eachother.

NECKLACE CREDITS: 'Mother' necklace by COMPANY OF STRANGERS  & interchangeable 'What's my Mood?' charm necklace co-designed by Amanda Betts & the woman who designed and made my one-off wedding necklace, ZORA BOYD-BELL.

So in this post, I'm simply sharing a little about the huge inspiration bringing Izaac into the world has meant not only for me (and all who love Izaac), but how being a parent to Izaac helped me SO MUCH with the models I've worked with. Likewise, life is give and take, so it's also about how being a second mum/model agent/mentor to the models I've worked with completely inspires me as I parent Izaac (and re-parent myself in the process - because Lord knows I needed to be re-parented!). 

So I'm sharing a poem I wrote on the morning of Izaac's 16th birthday (it's my blog and I'll do what I want to!). Ironically, I noticed that the poem is, kind of, the repeat message IN LIFE FOR ALL OF US. Because the circles of life never stop, I've noticed. Enjoy. 

A Parent’s Journey                         by Amanda Betts                         6 November, 2013

When your dad and I decided 
We wanted you
I remember 
Our wishes for you 

And when we discovered 
I was pregnant with you 
I remember 
Our excitement for you

During your scans 
You'd swim and hide
I remember 
Our anxiety for you

As my clothes became 
All too small for me
I remember 
The growing of you

Your alien-like movements 
Oft' late in the night
I remember 
The wonderment of you

My belly shuddering 
From your tiny hiccups
I remember 
Our laughter for you

Rubbing your foot 
Pushed out from within
I remember 
Our dreams for you

Waking up early 
With broken waters from you
I remember 
The fear of you

My body writhing 
Labour deep in my core
I remember 
Increasing pain of you

Your Dad's fastest drive ever 
For me to give birth 
I remember 
Our anticipation of you

The time you decided 
To enter this world
I remember 
The intensity of you

When you took your first breath 
Released your first cry
I remember 
Our relief of you

We were told the long lashes 
Belonged to a boy
I remember 
Our pure joy for you

I held your warm body 
Close to my breast
I remember 
My reward for you

You would not sleep 
Unless nestled in me
I remember 
Being content with you 

Your tiny fingers 
Wrapped around mine
I remember 
The perfection of you

Taking you home 
On that beautiful day 
I remember 
Our happiness for you

16 years later
The young man you've become
I remember 
The child in you

Everything you are 
And all you will be
Never forget 
Our deep love for you.