When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.Wayne Dyer

Dr Wayne Dyer is one of the reasons this blog was created. Truly. His book REAL MAGIC is THE best book I've read. 

Anyone can dance. All too often, though, we're gripped in fear of what others will think, let alone being the first on the floor! Many of us wait 'til we get drinks down us first. Others wait for the perfect song either counting on it never turning up or because they only wanna dance when they look their best. Some think they can't dance. But doing it well is a talent. Just because I'm not amazing at something, doesn't mean I won't try.

I'm fine to do a Billy Idol and dance with myself, or get up and dance when no one else will because as this Japanese Proverb says: 'We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.' Sure, the world needs leaders - someone to do something first. But a leader is nothing without a first follower. Check out this hilarious video of a shirtless guy and his gutsy first follower who start a dancing movement to the point that anyone who didn't join in looked odd: FIRST FOLLOWER: LEADERSHIP LESSON FROM DANCING GUY

Dancing, feeling free and moving with music is fun. So why wait for the perfect conditions? As H Jackson Brown Jnr. says, 'Opportunity dances with those already on the dancefloor'. Dancing and opportunity. I like that tie-in. Don't you think the world would be a happier and more productive place if we all did a little more taking care of our bottom line while we shook our bottom line? Who cares if we're not 'hot' like Beyonce

BIG AUDIO DYNAMITE, a brilliant band from the 80's, did a song about the bottom line and dancing. I'd hazard a guess most of you won't know who B.A.D is, but, like my DEVO post, there's something about some of the '80's bands who'd deliver a message through coupling it with completely fruity music videos often involving mad dancing. B.A.D.'s THE BOTTOM LINE is a combo of Tarantino's DJANGO UNCHAINED meets bikini-clad WU-TANG's Gravel Pit peppered with a pinch of VILLAGE PEOPLE. Oh, and there's a judge and a girl wearing a rubber dress. Because of course all these things tie in nicely...Which is frutier: B.A.D or DEVO


Anyway, I appreciate people who can dance. And I appreciate even more, when someone discovers they have a talent for it, then push to go in pursuit of expanding themselves. Like JAIMEE.


Yup! This girl's always pushing herself to forge beyond her fears - fear of failure and what others will think. She has the face of an angel and sports some of the best brows since I looked after uber model ARIZONA MUSE when she came to New Zealand. I was Arizona's New Zealand booker while I was the head of the fashion division at the agency I co-founded in Red11. Digitals I took of Arizona turned up on a blog about blonde vs dark, and here's some digis I took when she was in New Zealand along with shots of why she may look familiar. NOTE: I DO NOT REPRESENT ARIZONA. SHE WAS ONE OF MANY INTERNATIONAL MODELS IT WAS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO BOOK FOR NZ WHILE IN NZ. 

Arizona Muse digitals I took. SOURCE: GOOGLE

Arizona Muse pcitures. SOURCE: GOOGLE

Anyway, spectacular brows aside, JAIMEEs not only beautiful and has a cool personality, but she's a dancer. And she loves it. 

I took some shots of JAIMEE  which you can see on my SCOUT and 'WHAT IF I FALL? OH MY DARLING BUT WHAT IF YOU FLY?' postTo see her dancing, here's a video RYAN META shot for me at KINGSIZE STUDIOS. JAIMEE likes to move indeed. 

Welcome to the modelling and television world, JAIMEE. And when you're gripped stiff in fear and want to free yourself up, just remember this: 'Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.' - Vivian Greene