KIWIFM’s CHARLOTTE RYAN & I talked DRESS FOR SUCCESS AUCKLAND and their amazing ONE-DAY DESIGNER GARAGE SALE starting at 5.00pm TODAY! There’re clothes for all shapes and sizes, with most items priced between $20-50!

If you’ve been wondering why I shamelessly plug DFSA, it’s a charity close to my heart, for many reasons:

  • It’s not a government-funded organisation therefore needs all the support, donations and grants it can get.
  • DFSA empowers women back into the workforce. Every woman supported by DFSA represents a family helped towards financial independence, and that helps YOU, ME and a THRIVING COMMUNITY
  • DFSA's wrap-around approach aims at empowering their clients with the confidence to succeed long-term; well beyond that all-important first interview
  • Like we all do, I have my own story: It was 1980 and the wee hours of New Year’s morning when my 30 year-old mum shook my brother and me awake. She piled us into an over-stacked car to flee our Whakatane home to start again in Auckland, armed only with what Mum could fit in to that car. My mum, exhausted from leaving the so-called security of our home, suddenly found herself a solo mother of an 8 and 10 year-old. But rather than give up or simply put her hand out, and despite the confidence having been knocked out of her, she chose to help herself opting instead for the more difficult path: getting a job. 

That’s why it’s so invaluable to have a truly unique charity like DRESS FOR SUCCESS AUCKLAND. In their own words, ‘We enable women who are determined to get ahead to look great and feel fantastic at their job interviews. We give them heart to believe in themselves so that they can do more than just get a job, but keep it.

So... you think a new outfit can save the world? No. But we know that the ‘outside’ transformation we provide has a powerful effect on the ‘inside’ of every woman we see. She looks fantastic – and when she looks in the mirror, something special happens. One woman said, “I felt reminded of the strength and confidence I already had inside.” 

But all YOU need to do to FEEL GOOD today is get along and snap up some designer bargains knowing you’re doing your bit to help women help themselves! That’s what I call a WIN-WIN. Happy shopping!


Flipagram credits: Pics by Amanda Betts for Over2U

Models: Monty Model Dog, Jordan Daniels, Phoebe Walsh & Eliza Mackay

Special Thanks to: everyone who donated their clothing to help make this happen, KINGSIZE STUDIOS who allowed us to take over and play so we could shoot in the beautiful GARDEN STUDIO, and every volunteer who donates their time on glorious sunshiney days to choose to organise the DFSA DESIGNER GARAGE SALE. Mostly, a huge thanks to the dedicated team at DFSA.